
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Happy first day of Spring for 2010!
Today was actually ironically one of the coldest days that i can remember.. and i was expecting to wake up to pretty sunshine and the smell of freshly cut grass. Yum.
Hopefully tomorrow will be promising..

For now.. I'm waiting for Ryan to come to my house from the gym so we can snuggle up in bed until it's time to rush around and get ready for work.. or in Ryan's case, school.

Here's a few pictures I found online of Spring 2010.
Time to go shopping soon baby ;)

women shoes 2010 prada

Images: Google.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Since stripping my walls of his artwork.. i don't know if i'm ready to put them up yet..
But I have a new project.
Project: collect awesome photos and stickers that make me happy and create a montage of happiness on the biggest wall in my room.

Bring it on bitch.

Image: Google
Words: Mua.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Time for a real blog.
I haven't done this for a long time, and I kind of promised myself that i wouldn't post detailed blogs for the sake of the privacy of both myself and the people i mention.. but one blog every now and then won't hurt?
I've started this short course in an employment solutions agency (Cert. II in Business) which goes for 5 weeks. It's really easy because it's basically common knowledge things like OHS and how to set up your computer station properly.. but i'm looking forward to getting my shiny certificate so i can have a new qualification added to my resume :).

Relationship wise.. things were rocky last week.
Ryan and I came to a mutual understanding that our relationship was over, but we patched things up on Sunday and now everything is back to normal (give or take a few minor changes).

Work is okay. What do i have to say about Coles except for.. it's Coles..
One of our main supervisors who closes 5 nights a week is resigning from his contract because his poor wife is left alone at home all week while he's stuck at Coles.
So now they're looking for a new supervisor to replace him. It's going to be interesting who they chose to promote.. really interesting.

Generally.. i'm quite happy. My life isn't a complete failure. I have things to be proud of and that's the main thing..

I totally feel like going out Saturday night and getting Jagerbombs. Om nom nom nom.

Okay. Bye :)

Friday, August 20, 2010


just bought $100 worth of makeup..
got home and realised there's no one to dress up for anymore.

image: google.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I never knew it would be this scary to be alone.

Yeah.. poor me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Fallen into a pool of depression.
Worst thing anyone has to ever think about doing.
Today my life is put under a great deal of stress and difficulty.

I hope it's not like this tomorrow.

Image: Google.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I got myself an IPhone 4.

Time to download hundreds of random apps that I will probably only open once. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hot steamy showers are the only thing that get me up and out of bed in winter..

Well, those and Ryan :)

Words: Moneta Tan's
Image: Google
Inspiration: Best shower ever.

Monday, August 2, 2010


People are always asking me.. What happened to being a Photographer?

My answer.. I'll always love photography, but I came to my senses and realised that it's not a realistic job. Some can do it and be so dedicated to it that they'll wait decades before finally being recognised as an artist, but my head isn't in it for decades. And so I've decided that photography is merely a hobby for when I feel like actually picking up a camera and driving to locations by myself. Maybe in Spring.

Words: Moneta Tan's
Image: Nymagirl from Diviantart
Inspiration: None