
Monday, October 18, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010


I was hoping that i'd have time on my birthday to write a quick blog.. but obviously that didn't happen..

My birthday was surprisingly better than I anticipated. On Saturday night, Ryan and I checked into a building of serviced apartments called "Nova Stargate". The name sounds funny, but when we got up to our room (a two bedroom apartment because the single room apartments were all booked out) it was actually really nice. It had a huge balcony too which was convenient for Ryan and his smoking habits.

Anyway, after walked down the wrong side of flinders lane, we turned around and finally found the Nectar Lounge where most of my friends were already waiting. This lounge had a whole heap of infused vodkas including flavours like Vegemite, Pink & Purple nerds, juicy fruit, mango, caramel, coco pops and more. The drinks ranged from $5 to $9 which was awesome. They even had a straightener in the girls bathroom which only cost $2 to use! Ha!
Such an awesome lounge, the atmosphere was really chilled out, and sadly it closes forever tonight!! Boo!

Anyway.. so most of my friends left at around 11pm, and we went in search of food and other good places to chill out.. didn't take us long to find McDonalds. Then we headed to Lion Bar for a while.

It was about 2am when the crowd only consisted of Me, Ryan, Tam, Kiman and Steven. I asked how the guys were getting home and they hadn't planned anything. So it was only smart to let them stay with us in our tiny apartment with 1 double, 1 single bed and a couch that hardly fit one person on it. But it worked out, they ended up sleeping on the floor haha.

I didn't wake up hung over which was awesome :) I think the amount of drinks I had was outnumbered by the amount of carbs I had eaten that night.


The past week has been really good.. I have some great news that I can't tell anyone yet, which really bugs me because I'm so excited..
I think the news should be safe to spread in 2-3 weeks! Woo!

:) Generally, life is pretty great.. There isn't much to complain about.

Off to Ryan's house for a night of movies in bed :)

Ps. My room smells like Vanilla Cake. mmmmm!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Tomorrow is my birthday!!

Although, in all honesty, i'm not really looking forward to it.
My birthday this year falls on a Tuesday, and I assume that everybody that means anything to me is busy with school or work. Including my boyfriend.
My prediction is that i'll wake up tomorrow AFTERNOON from an awesome sleep in, shower, do my hair and make up, and then sit in front of my laptop all afternoon in all my glorious nineteen-year-oldism.

Saturday should be good though. Hopefully, but i'm not entirely sure where i'm heading after the Nectar Lounge..
I think i've narrowed my search of hotel rooms down to about 5.. ryan wants a hotel that has a pool, and I need one that has an onsite car park. However, I don't know what good will become of having a swimming pool there, because I may be getting a new tattoo this coming Friday :) A birthday present from my lovely boyfriend :) Just sayin'

In terms of tattoos, I think i'll get some sort of script, either going across my lower back, or the side of my rib cage. YUM! and ouch at the same time.
I was thinking something.. Alice in Wonderland inspired. :D I love Alice in Wonderland. Seriously.

Anyhows.. i should start getting ready for another fan-fricken-tastic day at work..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Evidently, the blog that I posted a fortnight ago has not yet come into effect.
After all the inspiration, looking at pictures on google for hours and watching beauty videos from people like 'juicystar07' and the lovely Michelle Phan, my plans to upload make up videos and random posts about what I'm wearing for the day have are yet to exist..

Instead, the past week, I flew up to Canberra with Ryan and his sister for their brother's wedding. It was lovely! It took place at a small, quaint winery which was nearing the centre of Canberra and Sydney and because of the location, we stayed at 3 different places in the 3 nights that we were interstate.

Unfortunately, I didn't bother to take photos of what I wore. But I think I looked pretty smashing ;)
I wore a light peach/apricot coloured dress that was neither too tight or too loose fitting, with a black sailor-inspired blazer (black with white lining around the edges) and a pair of tanned heels that had shoe laces. :)
I think its safe to say that it was $140 well spent on the shoes, which to my surprise were extremely comfortable for heels. For the whole day (from about 1ish to 11pm that night) my feet did not ache at all!

Now, I'm just working everyday, trying to make enough money for next weekend, which I hope, will be unforgettable, but yet not too expensive for me..
For those who are unfamiliar, My birthday is creeping up slowly! October 5th guys!
But i'm celebrating on the coming Saturday because the 5th falls on a Tuesday.
I need to search for a nice hotel room that ryan and I can stay at that night, or maybe even for 2 nights, depending on how I am going financially..

AAAAND.. i just realised I have a $70 phone bill to pay next week.. One night it is.

Time to pack a bag for Ryan's house. Enjoy your week!


Thursday, September 9, 2010


I wish that people would just let me do what i want to do instead of trying to mould me into something they want.
Life would be so much easier if I had love and support from my family to do what I want with it and if they just accepted the fact that I'm not going back to school.
Life would be so much easier if they realised that I am nothing like my sister who does everything right and is studying nutrition.


Saturday, September 4, 2010


I wish she'd just disappear like that nail polish I swear I put in my bag..

Friday, September 3, 2010


Dakota Fanning is growing up to become such a gorgeous human being.
She was featured in Vogue Magazine and here are some photos that were in the spread.

This was taken for Vogue France:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Yesterday's blog kind of inspired me to make this into a sort of "day in the life of" sort of blog.. and since i'm starting to get into the whole.. fashion & makeup scene i'm going to start posting images of clothes and looks that i like.
I might even (if i can be bothered & remember) take photos of what i'm wearing for the day & what make up look I created for the day.

And eventually, I might even make a quick tutorial for how I do my everyday neutral smokey eye look.
For now, I really am loving these looks!

I really love the dress. It kind of reminds me of a scappy old t-shirt but a cute one :)
I'd probably pair it with some black 15 denier stockings and a pair of cute flats or boots.

I love this whole look! expecially the pants and the shoes. They look really comfortable and vintage :)

I love oversized jumpers and tees. Ask anybody!

I've been buying a lot of flannel shirts lately which I usually pair with some plain black/grey tights, a cute lightly printed tee and some sort of jumper underneath the flannel. In most cases, I use one of my hoodie cardigans (because they are still breathable and you can run around all day and not break a sweat) and have the hood stick out from the top of the cardigan. Cute and comfortable :).


Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Happy first day of Spring for 2010!
Today was actually ironically one of the coldest days that i can remember.. and i was expecting to wake up to pretty sunshine and the smell of freshly cut grass. Yum.
Hopefully tomorrow will be promising..

For now.. I'm waiting for Ryan to come to my house from the gym so we can snuggle up in bed until it's time to rush around and get ready for work.. or in Ryan's case, school.

Here's a few pictures I found online of Spring 2010.
Time to go shopping soon baby ;)

women shoes 2010 prada

Images: Google.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Since stripping my walls of his artwork.. i don't know if i'm ready to put them up yet..
But I have a new project.
Project: collect awesome photos and stickers that make me happy and create a montage of happiness on the biggest wall in my room.

Bring it on bitch.

Image: Google
Words: Mua.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Time for a real blog.
I haven't done this for a long time, and I kind of promised myself that i wouldn't post detailed blogs for the sake of the privacy of both myself and the people i mention.. but one blog every now and then won't hurt?
I've started this short course in an employment solutions agency (Cert. II in Business) which goes for 5 weeks. It's really easy because it's basically common knowledge things like OHS and how to set up your computer station properly.. but i'm looking forward to getting my shiny certificate so i can have a new qualification added to my resume :).

Relationship wise.. things were rocky last week.
Ryan and I came to a mutual understanding that our relationship was over, but we patched things up on Sunday and now everything is back to normal (give or take a few minor changes).

Work is okay. What do i have to say about Coles except for.. it's Coles..
One of our main supervisors who closes 5 nights a week is resigning from his contract because his poor wife is left alone at home all week while he's stuck at Coles.
So now they're looking for a new supervisor to replace him. It's going to be interesting who they chose to promote.. really interesting.

Generally.. i'm quite happy. My life isn't a complete failure. I have things to be proud of and that's the main thing..

I totally feel like going out Saturday night and getting Jagerbombs. Om nom nom nom.

Okay. Bye :)

Friday, August 20, 2010


just bought $100 worth of makeup..
got home and realised there's no one to dress up for anymore.

image: google.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I never knew it would be this scary to be alone.

Yeah.. poor me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Fallen into a pool of depression.
Worst thing anyone has to ever think about doing.
Today my life is put under a great deal of stress and difficulty.

I hope it's not like this tomorrow.

Image: Google.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I got myself an IPhone 4.

Time to download hundreds of random apps that I will probably only open once. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hot steamy showers are the only thing that get me up and out of bed in winter..

Well, those and Ryan :)

Words: Moneta Tan's
Image: Google
Inspiration: Best shower ever.

Monday, August 2, 2010


People are always asking me.. What happened to being a Photographer?

My answer.. I'll always love photography, but I came to my senses and realised that it's not a realistic job. Some can do it and be so dedicated to it that they'll wait decades before finally being recognised as an artist, but my head isn't in it for decades. And so I've decided that photography is merely a hobby for when I feel like actually picking up a camera and driving to locations by myself. Maybe in Spring.

Words: Moneta Tan's
Image: Nymagirl from Diviantart
Inspiration: None

Friday, July 30, 2010


I'm so lucky to have a best friend that I can share everything with.
I'm also lucky enough to be in love with my best friend.
I'm lucky because when I say 'I love you' i can prove how much I do with a million kisses and cuddles.
His lips give me butterflies, his eyes make me melt.
His voice is like a song, and his hands are.. well, perfect!

Words: Moneta Tan's.
Image: Google.
Inspiration: Ryan Townson.